Database Developer

ΕΝΑΡΞΗ: Starts at Regular Intervals

The purpose of the training program "Database Developer" is to provide the necessary knowledge background for participants to fully meet the requirements of everyday work related to the programming and monitoring of databases.

The program is implemented by the method of distance asynchronous teleshopping, it is 400 hours long and the presence of trainees in live meetings is not required.

This program comprises the following thematic sections:

  1. Introduction to Databases
  2. SGBD systems
  3. Database Design
  4. Database Manager
  5. Databases and SQL
  6. Data Management with SQL
  7. SQL Quick Guide

This training program is aimed at:

  • Employees and executives in the public and private sector in the IT sector
  • Adult Trainers of the specific industry and object and field
  • Executives of enterprises and organizations in this field, subject and field who wish to pursue this subject in adult education programs

Graduates of the program receive:

  • 1 point in the scope of the advertised positions in the selection of trainers in P.V.T.I. and SSC
  • Attestation of Training of APOPSI V.T.C.
  • Discount on subsequent training programs of APOPS

Zafeiri Staurianna


STARTS: Starts at Regular Intervals
DURATION: 400 hours
