Counseling Support, Training and Certification in Digital Marketing for Unemployed People up to 29 years of age in the tourism sector

The Act aims to provide vocational counseling, training (theoretical and practical training) services, and the certification of knowledge and skills in accordance with the international ISO17024 standard or the EOPPEP, 1940 young unemployed people registered with the PES, aged up to 29 years, graduates in higher or post-secondary theoretical instruction, from all regions of the country, in order to gain additional knowledge, basic and specific professional skills in Digital Marketing Tourism and to substantially enhance their employment potential.

  • PROFESSIONAL COUNSELING ACTIONS to strengthen the beneficiaries for the optimal use of their “stocks” and skills, through the provision of new and innovative methods that ensure their personal development and professional development.
  • TRAINING ACTIONS to acquire new knowledge, skills and competences that will substantially enhance their employability, the prospect of improving their working conditions and their professional mobility to ensure the most appropriate working conditions and adapt them to changes in the business environment. The operation includes targeted continuing vocational training programs of 540 hours (120 hours in theory and 420 hours in practice) in specialized professional knowledge and skills.
  • CERTIFICATION of the acquired qualifications / skills of the beneficiaries of the training programs/departments, through assessment of their knowledge and competence, will be provided on the basis of standard procedures and will be carried out by accredited person’s certification bodies, in accordance with the international standard ISO/ IEC 17024 or the ECQA or through internationally recognized product certifications.

The duration of the Training is 540 hours (120 hours of theoretical training and 420 hours of practical training in small and medium enterprises in the tourism sector).

The title of the Training Program is:

“Digital Marketing in Tourism – Social Media”. It includes, for example, the following fields of knowledge.

  • Ethics and Regulations
  • Knowledge of advertising ethics
  • Knowledge of restrictions and bans on advertising in Facebook/AdWords
  • Knowledge of the GDPR Regulation
  • Basic knowledge of questionnaire and qualitative research
  • Tactical contact shot through social media
  • Analytics platform and social media analytics basics
  • Creating groups and forums, community building
  • Google AdWords
  • Facebook Manager
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Create basic communication images with marketing online tools, e.g.
  • SEO Basic Terminology
  • Optimize SEO ranking

All the hours of the traineeship are carried out in enterprises, in real working conditions

The gross total value of the Education Allowance is: 540 hours of training* x 5,00 € = 2,700,00 €

Applicants in the program shall:

  • be registered with the PES Unemployed Register, with a valid unemployment card, whether or not they receive unemployment benefit,
  • not have the status of pupil, student or student. Especially VTI graduates should have completed the certification exams,
  • on the date of their application and on the date of entry into the Act (i.e. the date of the 1st Advisory Session) they are up to 29 years old, i.e. they have completed the 29th and they are in the 30th year,
  • have completed the process of individualized approach of the PES and have prepared their Individual Action Plan,
  • hold a degree in higher or post-secondary theoretical instruction.

Eustratiadou Eleni, Tzavara Eleni
Lambou Eleni
Papaspyropoulos Konstantinos
Karaioakim Christina